
The older sister of Mary, Eve was the first Discord bot I created. Originally made to moderate my private servers, Eve has since been deployed in the EngSci 2T4 Official Discord Server and will be available for usage in any other servers in the future. Now hosted on Railway, Eve will be working full-time.
Wanna invite Eve to your server? Click this link.
Wanna see how I coded her? Click this link.

General Commands List

help - Displays a list of commands
clear - Clears a specified number of preceding lines (i.e. eve clear 10)
kick - Kicks a specified user (i.e. eve kick @User)
ban - Bans a specified user (i.e. eve ban @User)
unban - Unbans a specified user (i.e. eve unban @User)
load - Loads a specified cog (i.e. eve load nuke)
unload - Unloads a specified cog (i.e. eve unload nuke)
poke - Sends a dm to a specified user with your user signature (i.e. eve poke @User)
give_flowers - Sends flowers to a specified user (i.e. eve give_flowers @User)
pm - Sends a private message to a specified user (i.e. eve pm @User Hello world!)
apm - Sends an anonymous private message to a specified user
hyperactive - Unleashes Eve's hyperactive skill: Odin Spear

Cog Command List

8ball - Ask Eve a random yes/no question, and she will reply from a list of responses
youtube - Eve will return the first video she finds on Youtube given a query
neko - Returns a picture of a neko
wiki - Returns the first 3 sentences of the Wikipedia entry given a query
hug - Sends a gif of a hug to a specified user (i.e. eve hug @User)
kill - Sends a gruesome gif of a death to a specified user (i.e. eve kill @User)
shit_on - Eve will insult the specified user (i.e. eve shit_on @User)
define - Returns the definition(s) of a word if found (i.e. eve define [word])
synonym - Returns the synonym(s) of a word if found
antonym - Returns the antonym(s) of a word if found

Skynet Command List

passcode - "Sarah Connor"
lock - Forces the passcode to be re-entered. Can only be used by me.
admin_lock - Completely locks down Skynet commands. Can only be unlocked by me.
skynet_list - Displays a list of Skynet commands
list_cities - Returns a list of all the cities available for nuking
skynet - Nukes a specified city(s) from the list (i.e. eve skynet Toronto, Jakarta, Tokyo)
skynet_all - Nukes all the cities on the list (i.e. eve skynet_all)
skynet_purge - Continuously nukes all the cities on the list until there are no survivors

P.S. No, I'm not crazy, and yes, this was absolutely necessary.